Peripheral blood samples were collected at the time before anesthesia, before CPB and 30 min after CPB to determine plasma β endorphin, adrenocorticotropic hormone ( ACTH), serum cortisol and blood glucose. 分别于麻醉前、转流前和停转流后30min采集外周静脉血,测定β内啡肽(βEP)、促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)、皮质醇和血糖的浓度。
Objective To probe into the changes of core and peripheral surface temperatures and the effect of systemic oxygen consumption ( SOC) and metabolic heat production ( MHP) on core temperatures following general anesthesia. 目的探讨全麻后核心和体表温度的变化及二者的关系,全身耗氧量和产热量变化对核心体温的影响。
Application of Peripheral Nerve Stimulator in Clinical Anesthesia 周围神经刺激器在临床麻醉中的应用
To compare the distribution of lidocaine in the cardiac blood, peripheral blood, liver and cerebrum of anesthesia accident death dogs in different times at room temperature, and provide a scientific evidence for the forensic identification of the epidural anesthesia accident caused by lidocaine. 比较三种死后再分布模型致死犬常温下不同时间点利多卡因在心血、周围血、肝脏和脑中的分布规律,为利多卡因硬膜外麻醉意外死亡和中毒案件的法医学鉴定提供科学依据;
Methods From February to December 2000,8 patients ( 6 cases of peripheral pulmonary nodules, 2 cases of respiratory insufficiency and radiographic pulmonary infiltrate) were operated on through video-assisted thoracoscopy under local anesthesia. 方法自2000年2月至12月,对8例患者(周围型肺小结节病变6例,间质性肺病2例)在局麻下实施电视胸腔镜手术。